19 April 2011


Most productivity comes when you are staring at the wall listening to thunderstorms roll in and out of the city. Whether it be from the lack of things to do outside or the fact that my mood shifts once there's a prospective rain storm.  The dark and eery looking clouds linger overhead for a sold 12 hours before you finally give into the somber state of mind.  What could one get accomplished in those 12 hours?  Twelve hours is some people's work-day and here we are, small little ants on the life food chain stressing about day-to-day activities that in the greater sense of life, do not even matter.  It's like being stuck on a ferris wheel, going 'round and 'round until you realize you've seen the same thing over and over again and you force yourself to get off.  Pull yourself out of the haze that's fogging your judgement and look into the future.  Stop living each day like it's your last, plan for something.  The future represents hope, and in some cases, that's all you have to hold onto.  Procrastination kills small puppies. (not really, but it's a metaphor) Keep that in mind the next time you don't feel like doing anything! Think of the most innocent and fragile creature and just imagine wiping its existence off the face of the earth.  It's the same feeling your brain gets when you overwork it from studying last minute or putting off 4 projects until the night before they are due.  It hurts, much deeper than you realize...until you pull yourself off that ferris wheel.  Sometimes, it helps to jump off of the top, not waiting for it to make a full circle..as long as you have your parachute..you're golden kid.

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