26 April 2011


The only consistant thing across the globe...
uniting every single individual...
creating an absolute feeling of equality...
keeping earth on a stable and consistant pattern...


Makes you think...how much time do we actually have left?  What makes one person more successful than another? -Time Management.  But not the literal definition of management...Know how to enjoy life because you never know when one day, it just won't be there, and how will you want people talking about you at your funeral?? Me personally, am Banning black to mine...everyone has to wear any interpretation of bright vibrant colors and no one is allowed to ramble on about how I was such a nice person, good heart, la-di-da-ti-daaaaaahhh! BLAH! Everyone who gets up to speak has to tell at least one joke and remind people of how I always did everything in my power to make them smile b/c sitting in a room with no one smiling is like being the darkest place in the entire universe and not being able to see your hand in front of your face... IT SUCKS ...and you run into things like you have some mental disorder and completely forget how to walk properly (well in my case, my sanity is still being studied! HA!)

well, as one of my (non)role-models and talented singer/drinker would say...it's 5 o'clock somewhere.
Meaning: It's My Nap Time! 

Seriously... it's 2:49 am.

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