28 April 2011

Body..... Shutting..... Down......

Weirdest experience of my life.

Sitting here being productively done with all my work and just seeing if I can pull off a 2nd attempt at an all-nighter and I guess after 3 previous nights of only getting 1-3 hours of sleep, My body is finally rebelling.

Literally just happened: Sitting here, listening to music, TYPING full speed and coherently, and then my head slowly does that fowards-fall thing while my eyes simultaneously roll back in my head...then I popped up as if nothing happened and feeling dizzy/that feeling you get right before you get nauseous or if you leg falls asleep and you try to wake it back up, but it's not fully awake so it's like this tingle-y (yes, college edu is working just fine) feeling thing..but it happened in my head.  I've heard stories and never believed them....

until now.

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