25 March 2011


Ha. More Like: "Forcing-Students-To-Read-Pointless-Facts-About-One-Subject-In-Order-To-Call-Yourself-A-Genius-Of-A-Professor-And-Watch-All-Of-Your-Students-Never-Use-Anything-You-Haven't-Taught-Them"

Forcing your students to memorize facts out of a book while you lecture the exact same material in class is not teaching....it's called "knowing how to read, make a powerpoint presentation, and knowing how to make a full room of college level human beings fall asleep a measly five minutes after you begin.

Harsh? Life's Tough, Get A Helmet. 

Thank You Meadows for Not Doing that To Me!!!!

I Think the college system should take another look at the way things are handled in a classroom and then Completely Execute (metaphorically, of course) the person who ever came up with this idea.  Students don't learn from reading something then hearing the same thing reworded on a powerpoint...Students learn by:

DOING things, FAILING often, SUCCEEDING rarely, EXPLORING everywhere, EXAMINING everything, and PERCEIVING The World Around Them. 

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