16 March 2011

Poor (Wo)Man's Therapy

Blogging: [blawg] verb. A Poor Man's Therapy. 

Literally and sincerely can vouch for this one. I spend $40 after insurance to sit a talk to someone who's officially started using parallels to explain my life. Sorry doc, ain't happenin'! 
Yes there are similarities in my life but have you ever wondered if it's not the people who influence your life, it's your influence over the relationships that draw the parallels. You create each relationship along the same basis because the underlying need/want in life is to never be alone. Man was not created/evolved/invented [which ever your preference] to sit in a room alone with all attention on some machine that cannot feel emotion (x2 jabs). Emotions create relationships which sustain life. Life is meant to be lived, expressed, felt, and heard. the ups, downs, joy, anger, depression, fear, confidence, glory, praise, happiness, tears all define how your life is lived..and each one is a result of your own mind. So yeah, you can draw parallels all day, but at the end of the day, all you've got is a paper full of lines and a mess full of a head. If you were to spend $40 a week for an entire year, you'd be able to buy not only my dream Valentino bow peep-toe pumps, but also a pair of shiny diamond encrusted Christian Loubuiton pumps. Brings a whole new meaning to Shoe Therapy! 

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