25 March 2011


Ha. More Like: "Forcing-Students-To-Read-Pointless-Facts-About-One-Subject-In-Order-To-Call-Yourself-A-Genius-Of-A-Professor-And-Watch-All-Of-Your-Students-Never-Use-Anything-You-Haven't-Taught-Them"

Forcing your students to memorize facts out of a book while you lecture the exact same material in class is not teaching....it's called "knowing how to read, make a powerpoint presentation, and knowing how to make a full room of college level human beings fall asleep a measly five minutes after you begin.

Harsh? Life's Tough, Get A Helmet. 

Thank You Meadows for Not Doing that To Me!!!!

I Think the college system should take another look at the way things are handled in a classroom and then Completely Execute (metaphorically, of course) the person who ever came up with this idea.  Students don't learn from reading something then hearing the same thing reworded on a powerpoint...Students learn by:

DOING things, FAILING often, SUCCEEDING rarely, EXPLORING everywhere, EXAMINING everything, and PERCEIVING The World Around Them. 

24 March 2011

Functionality Meets Like-ability

Could every house be made to fit the needs of the people looking for one without having to sell your children and all worldly-possessions?

I've been noticing a pattern of things I naturally come across on the internet.  My mom is moving (since I live at home) it affects me...Do I move out next year (junior year of college) or do I continue living rent free in a new (to our family at least) house? And looking up all these possible houses, I tend to think, "why couldn't people design the home according the the way they want?" I mean if you want a book nook, make one! Ideas I would have in my house: Tire swing hanging from your ceiling (childhood dream of mine), a slide in the middle of your house (for your lazy moments of not wanting to walk down the stairs), a dog bedroom (mine hog the bed all the time and I really wish they had their own space, a room with no windows and really comfy chair-couches (for movies and if you just want to live like a bat for a day), sunroom as the top floor of your house with a patio (california necessity--plan on moving back to my native land after graduation), a pool with a really cool water fountain (never had one), a computer tv (i need at least a 42" to navigate my computer...this 13"er is not acting in my favor, especially when I want to watch my tv shows and movies or even music videos)  ...I can't remember some of my others, but I'll randomly post them if I can think about them later on!

22 March 2011

Never Ending Spring Break

Is there Such a thing?

Can you treat each day like spring break? Not having a care in the world and living each day at a time. Not focusing on what you're going to do this weekend. Not stressing about waking up for your 9am class.  Taking in life as it comes.  Actually appreciate the reading you're doing (class or not) and learn something from it.  Take notes, not on school but on life.  Study the people around you.  Find new ways to improve yourself as a thinker.  Do. Dissolve "can't" and "fail" from your vocabulary.  See the good in others and the world.  Tell someone you love them (Especially your Momma).  Take a road-trip.  Sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs.  Learn a new hobby.  Give up a bad habit (mine: procrastination).  Tell your friends how much you appreciate having them.  Find peace of mind that you will "succeed" at whatever you put your mind to. Make a new friend.  Give someone a present.  Donate old clothes.

One Adventure from my Spring Break:

16 March 2011

Poor (Wo)Man's Therapy

Blogging: [blawg] verb. A Poor Man's Therapy. 

Literally and sincerely can vouch for this one. I spend $40 after insurance to sit a talk to someone who's officially started using parallels to explain my life. Sorry doc, ain't happenin'! 
Yes there are similarities in my life but have you ever wondered if it's not the people who influence your life, it's your influence over the relationships that draw the parallels. You create each relationship along the same basis because the underlying need/want in life is to never be alone. Man was not created/evolved/invented [which ever your preference] to sit in a room alone with all attention on some machine that cannot feel emotion (x2 jabs). Emotions create relationships which sustain life. Life is meant to be lived, expressed, felt, and heard. the ups, downs, joy, anger, depression, fear, confidence, glory, praise, happiness, tears all define how your life is lived..and each one is a result of your own mind. So yeah, you can draw parallels all day, but at the end of the day, all you've got is a paper full of lines and a mess full of a head. If you were to spend $40 a week for an entire year, you'd be able to buy not only my dream Valentino bow peep-toe pumps, but also a pair of shiny diamond encrusted Christian Loubuiton pumps. Brings a whole new meaning to Shoe Therapy! 

iPod Houdini

Here's your next task, should you choose to accept: ( which you should because it's really fun)

1. Get a few friends (not something you can do by yourself...like brainstorming: best ideas come from groups of 3-7 people)
2. Hop in your car
3. Don't map out a game plan
4. Just start driving in the first direction you choose
5. Plug in your iPod (you must have a car adapter for this) 
6. Click "Songs"
*Before you press "Shuffle All", ask the almighty "iPod Houdini" a question!

Yes! If you haven't caught on, this is the updated version of the infamous cootie catcher! The next song that plays on the iPod hudini answers your life questions and holds the keys to your future. 
It's a great way to get a good laugh in, especially if you've had a no-so-joyous day, week, month, year, decade, millennium, life, etc.
It automatically allows you to act like a teeny-bopper again and forget the stressors of life. It takes you back to a much simpler time: a time where life's mysterious questions or problems could be solved by an 8x8 origami-folded, neon-highlighter-colored-crayola-markers-decorated piece of paper. 

Ex1) "what will my second class be like today?"
iPod Houdini: "it's the end of the world as we know it", R.E.M.

With one of my new friends along with my best friend in tow, the adventure ended up all the way in downtown of the adjacent city accompanied by laughing, "oOoOoOoOH"-ing, "Awwwwww"-ing, and many more mixed expressions in between.
Perspective actually was shed on some issues/topics that we would have never seen if it weren't for a little thing called fate and some technological device's idea of a comical joke. 

"I like Yokes!" 

09 March 2011

Before I Die...


The link above explains it all, but basically this woman is "a public installation artist, designer, urban planner, and co-founder of Civic Center who likes to make cities more comfortable for people." (straight from her website)

Her work is absolutely inspiring.  It made me actually think about all the things I want to do before I die.  I realize that there is no alarm clock or flashing neon sign telling you how many days you have left in the world, but if you don't think about the future, how do you live in the present?

Every day, I'm thinking of one thing I want to do BEFORE I DIE, because I have come to realize I have sheltered myself from many opportunities I have had out of fear of failing.
That Ends Today.  
Then as life progresses, I will try to do any many things as I can in the time I am given.

1. Not Stress About My Exams Tomorrow.

05 March 2011

When Plans Get Executed

After being on my computer all day because I'm at home taking care of my dog who's sick, my sister and I decided that for the latter half of spring break in a week that we are going to attempt to do this on a smaller scale with a slightly different approach to it.  Our idea includes the possibility of hanging it on the wall in a 1850 sq.ft. townhome or a ~24 sq.ft dorm room.  I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but between the two of us, it'll work out perfectly!

By perfectly, I mean completely Chaotic:
We'll probably yell at each other at least three times just buying the supplies we need. Then, we'll leave the stores fuming at each other--slamming doors and scowling.  After getting Sonic or some other form of fast food for lunch, we'll end up at home most likely covered in paint laughing hysterically because one of us will slip, trip, or flip something over at least once. The dogs will most likely attempt to eat one of the supplies...which will result in a chase of some sort and one of us yelling at the other for almost falling on top of the dog.  Then when it's all said and done, the pieces we did will probably not be finished, good enough, or even end up looking like we planned.

Just a typical project with my sister.  We get these grand ideas and she is the only person who has the guts to execute what others and I merely chatter about it with.  That is why I never want to live more than a phone call away from my family.  We're Crazy and I Love It.

Dear Blank, Please Blank

I know it has been around awhile now, but I just stumbled upon it again. here's my favorite one I've found so far:

      "Dear people who complain about our generation, 
                  Remember who raised us.
Sincerely, your kids"

Here is my response to those so quick to judge:

1. I didn't ask for all of this...Maybe our parents/grandparents just love us more.
2. you were equally disrespectful, our generation just isn't afraid to voice their opinion
3. it's called not wanting to do grunt work for some selfish prick who thinks he's entitled to do so
4. maybe because you added a third section  to it and put more emphasis on GPA instead of SAT for college (I got in with about average scores and I'm doing just fine)
5. yet you hire us expecting us to set up your facebook and twitter accounts, while sporting around an iphone or android?? We aren't too occupied with it, we just took the time to learn how to use it.

03 March 2011

It's Just WRONG

1. 8AM Classes
  • Why? I think of myself as a hazard on the road prior to 9AM. Much less in an actual classroom setting. I would ride my bike, but the tires are flat and I never wake up early enough to get there on time. Give me a million and one late-nights, but for the life of me..I am not a morning person.
2. Fast-food Bans
  • How? AM I Suppose To Eat If Dallas Ever Did That!?!?                                                                               (THANK YOU FOR BEING CONSERVATIVE DALLAS)
  • Last semester, I was sitting in class daydreaming/almost falling asleep and I vaguely heard the part about a news story talking about how the city of San Francisco is putting a ban toys in Happy Meals! What part of the "happy meal" is "happy"without a toy? I used to frequent McDonald's a few times (at least once a week) when I was a "young'n" just in hopes of getting that Beenie Baby toy or a Barbie princess. I ate there all the time and am not an obese person, nor a fat one. I am happily a size 4 and I still eat there on occasion! Putting a ban on toys should be against the law!! Not really, but this is ridiculous! The city should put a ban on bad-parenting...how can you love your kids if you let them get fat? It doesn't make sense!!
I say: let the advertising roam free, the toys reign out, and the government needs to go back to overspending and doing nothing about it
We should know our rights people! 
I'm going to take a trip there and ask for A TOY AND FRIES (no apple slices for me peeps) just for the heck of it and who is going to stop me? No one! :) 
  • Because Why? I have A Brain and I Actually Use It. 

02 March 2011


Aren't Smart Phones suppose to help you "stay connected" to people? Way to go phone company who must-not-be-named! Or do we blame the people for not "staying connected" via smartphones? Assuming everyone has smartphones? Or is it wrong of me to assume every person my age would have one? So many questions for this un-named company who I am currently cursing right now for not following through on their promise and are creating just the opposite: a mass disconnection. I applaud anyone who has an iphone and actually uses it to call someone, instead of using texts/facebook/twitter to communicate!

Gotta Love that Innovative Technology.

01 March 2011


RA-TARD, RE-TARD. DAY-TA, DAT-TA. Does it actually matter??

I love how pop culture seeps into people's minds and actually causes phenomenons and fads that last a very long time. Tell me You can Truly not Name This Movie:

"May The Force Be With You"

Where do we draw the line in the sand between societal culture influencing us or shaping us? Or did we create this culture and it's a never ending circle where pop culture now defines a generation and just as we're creating it, it's shaping us in return?