25 February 2011


WHAT IS THAT?! the URL: http://www.airninja.com/pictures/seattle/fremont-troll.jpg

I randomly "StumbledUpon" it and I just started laughing.  I mean who actually thinks of doing that??

It truly does look like a troll! The image it creates in my mind is this Dr. Seuss-Meets-Tim Burton-looking world where cars are swallowed up by giant happy under-the-bridge (RHCP reference) trolls.  Then little punk-skateboarder kids go flying off the shoulders down the arms and then end up at the top of the railing of the stairwell in the background of the picture just to end up going in giant loops over and over again.  All while drinking energy drinks and reminding me of creatures who look like the little demons in Nightmare Before Christmas mixed with Cindy Lou Who!

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