14 February 2011

Oh Valentine's Day

i made this on my computer

It's so funny how big this holiday has come to be! I have always been such a fan of valentine's day especially in elementary school because it was so simple! I mean you give cards to your entire class and then you always give like an extra piece of candy to the person you were crushing on. hahaha Oh the simplicity of being a "young'n"....(as I say that without even turning 20 yet!) When did life get so complicated?
The guy who likes you calls you a slut and then gives you an ultimatum about wanting to be in a relationship? No Thank You! Or having people who you thought were friends completely screw you over on the most holy of fake holidays? Pass!  I have become really cynical these days.  It's quite sad...I used to be like Cupid's assistant on this day but can relationships/friendships really mess you up that badly? Or is my trust in people completely gone like I have feared? But the upside to the entire day is hearing from my mom! :) She gave me my favorite: godiva chocolates and the traditionally awesome card..mixed with the happy valentine's day text...she truly is the best mom in the entire world!  Can running 5 miles a day really solve anything except helping balance a sugar addiction? I've been toying with this new idea and right now, the jury is still out. So much confusion.

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