19 February 2011


I find it highly ironic that one week I have everything solved...literally. I have my life set and I know how/what I'm going to do.

The Next Week...Nothing.

It's HILARIOUS! Not even kidding..And I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

I actually prefer it this way: Knowing absolutely NOTHING about ANYTHING.

The Stress is GONE!

I took each day one day at a time and it's like a whole different side of the world was revealed. I started to notice more.  I actually took the time to look around campus as I was walking to class, instead of stressing about the time and if I was walking fast enough to get from point A (Antarctica) to point B (Media class).  The grass in front of Dallas Hall is REALLY green! I haven't noticed the transition from winter/ugly brown color to almost spring (Well technically it Is spring in Dallas calendar time).  I actually took the time to "smell the roses", well in this case "smell the lawn company cutting the grass and then sneeze every five seconds because I'm basically allergic to life in Dallas", and it was thoroughly pleasant and peaceful!

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