28 February 2011




I officially am resigning my attempt to study psychology in college.  It is a lot of "effing" work for very little reward.  Don't get me wrong, I love learning about it and I am facinated by the human mind, but It is JUST NOT FUN ANYMORE! 

I'm Switching to "Film and Media" just because it sounds fun and I've always wanted to try it.  Isn't that what college is for? Figuring out what you love and want to do for the rest of your life? 

I've already changed my major 4 times and found my ultimate passion: advertising.  
I'm now changing my minor for the 4th time as well: business (BORING), anthropology (EH, OKAY), psychology (WHY ARE THERE SO MANY DEFINITIONS??), and now Film and Media (DING! DING! DING! WINNER!)

I really think it will help in the long run, especially if I want to work in creative advertising..I would hope you need to know how the camera works and the background of the film industry.  

Technology: How Our World Survives. 

27 February 2011


(from one creative blog to land in another)

Literally, the Black Sheep.  Don't You feel like it sometimes? I know I have my days.

But even through all of life's BaAaAaAaD moments, there are just that many infinitely other WHITE Sheep moments that make it ALL Worth While.

25 February 2011


WHAT IS THAT?! the URL: http://www.airninja.com/pictures/seattle/fremont-troll.jpg

I randomly "StumbledUpon" it and I just started laughing.  I mean who actually thinks of doing that??

It truly does look like a troll! The image it creates in my mind is this Dr. Seuss-Meets-Tim Burton-looking world where cars are swallowed up by giant happy under-the-bridge (RHCP reference) trolls.  Then little punk-skateboarder kids go flying off the shoulders down the arms and then end up at the top of the railing of the stairwell in the background of the picture just to end up going in giant loops over and over again.  All while drinking energy drinks and reminding me of creatures who look like the little demons in Nightmare Before Christmas mixed with Cindy Lou Who!

24 February 2011

BieberFEVER! :)

I did it.  I actually saw the JUSTIN BIEBER EXPERIENCE! I know that's not the actual name of the movie but it should be. I was very hesitant to actually see this "movie" because I truly did not understand the whole phenomenon. I guessed it was my generation's obsession with the N*SYNC, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, and Aaron Carter. Which, by the way, was ridiculously awesome! I miss me and my friends jumping up and down on our beds blasting the music through our tape players! This whole YouTube thing didn't even exist! We weren't even allowed on the internet without my mom sitting right there next to me. OoOoH How times have changed!!

Anyways, timeline of my Bieber Adventure:

first, indifference- didn't understand this obsession people had.

next, listened to one song and thought it was okay, just another pop song.

then, got a "OMG How CAN YOU NOT LIKE HIM?" lecture from my 22 yr old sister!!
[yes you  read that correctly: TWENTY-TWO yr old sister

after that, come to find out my best friend is obsessed so I agreed to go see it  b/c I love 3D movies.

Then, I started to warm up to his music, thought it was catchy!
if i was going to see a 2 hr movie about him, I wanted to know what I was getting myself into.

Finally,went to the movies:LEFT OBSESSED WITH THAT KID!! 

I'm not a creeper in the sense I think he's so "Dreamy" or "Hot"or "OMG MARRY ME!" 
I think he's a truly talented kid.  I mean he just turned 17 and he is already best friends with Usher, sold out MSG, plays numerous instruments, sings really well!, is a down-to-earth kid, loves his family, plays sports, is a typical teenage boy, and is humble enough to thank his fans and his friends for his success.  

You really can't hate the kid walking out of that movie.  I must admit, at some points the camera/3d-ness made me a little nauseous, but it was a good movie.  I would so see it again, and plan to. I also downloaded all of his songs because they're so fun to listen to and you feel like dancing in everyone! 

My lesson of the week:

Don't Judge A Professionally Groomed Teenage Boy By The Color Of His Sweatshirt. 

23 February 2011

Random Q

Random Question from "Edit Profile" Section On My Blog...

You've just inherited a manufacturing plant that specializes in plastics.  
What are you going to make?

The only thing I could think of:

the world's biggest Starbucks cup!

How amazing would that be? Or even a "Never-Empty" Starbucks cup. It would automatically make you your drink of choice, then when it was time for a refill...BLAM..there it is! Then if you wanted to change your drink because you've already downed 25 double tall nonfat with whip mocha, THEN....

you'd be screwed. 
This is a "Never-Empty"Starbucks cup...not a MAGICAL one!!

 Come on now, you're smarter than that. 

22 February 2011


Music solves everything.

Every emotion I have or think about, I can find a song that describes it.  

The best way to listen to music:
  1. in the car
  2. windows rolled down
  3. the sunroof open
  4. Your best friend(s) sitting right next to you 
Double-Dog-DARE YOU to try it and see how amazing you feel after. 

19 February 2011


I find it highly ironic that one week I have everything solved...literally. I have my life set and I know how/what I'm going to do.

The Next Week...Nothing.

It's HILARIOUS! Not even kidding..And I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

I actually prefer it this way: Knowing absolutely NOTHING about ANYTHING.

The Stress is GONE!

I took each day one day at a time and it's like a whole different side of the world was revealed. I started to notice more.  I actually took the time to look around campus as I was walking to class, instead of stressing about the time and if I was walking fast enough to get from point A (Antarctica) to point B (Media class).  The grass in front of Dallas Hall is REALLY green! I haven't noticed the transition from winter/ugly brown color to almost spring (Well technically it Is spring in Dallas calendar time).  I actually took the time to "smell the roses", well in this case "smell the lawn company cutting the grass and then sneeze every five seconds because I'm basically allergic to life in Dallas", and it was thoroughly pleasant and peaceful!

18 February 2011


Where has this week gone?? It's already Friday and I feel like I was just waking up Monday morning completely wired on caffeine to get me through class.

Upside: I am going to Paris this summer!!
Downside: Still 101 days until I am stepping off the plane in a foreign country.

I have actually never been out of the US before. I feel like such a mundane, close-minded person after realizing that. Here I am wanting to explore the world and jetset off to all of these different places, and yet I live at home, go to college, and do not travel outside of three states.
 In order to travel the world, one can:
a) win the lottery
b) have parents willing to allow you to go at a younger age and have the means to do so 
c) know someone who would be willing to take you
d) go abroad through school

I prefer D. Above all the others, I chose the last because with all of the other circumstances, you are relying on other outside influences to get you from Point A to B. Personally, I have always enjoyed the dream of one day going of on my own (preferably with a best friend or two) and just exploring. Come May 30, my time has come! Paris--the City of Lights (and Fashion)--has people flocking to it every year just to catch a glimpse of this enchanted fortress. Guarded from an insipid and mundane existence, Paris holds a history of cultivated achievement that is presented by an aura pulsating through the veins of every person to have ever encountered it.

How do I seem so insightful about this city that I have never been to before? I DREAM.
I allow my mind to explore different places through books, movies, songs, narratives, and through the eyes of people who are able to tell their stories of adventure and achievement. My idea came to me when I was talking to my sister, who is usually the one to help me realize things (good or bad) about my life.
It's time, we agreed.
  • I have just gotten my life back from a minor speed bump nicknamed "first love".  
  • I have just transitioned through the awkward phase of finding my major and figuring out the answer to the typical question, "where do you see yourself in 5 (10, 20, etc.) years?"
Living a good part of my life through the characters in different mediums, I have taken the reigns and begin my own chapter. I want to view and live the world in present day reality. I love my books and movies, but I was just listening to this song and it said "life's too short to care at all....restore life the way it should be". After hearing that, it really resonated with me. I realized that I used to just wander and let people walk all over me. I applied to the Paris program for the summer and yours truly got in!! I wasn't nervous at all surprisingly; my grades are above average on the college scale, nothing to brag about whatsoever, but I am going to "toot my own horn" by saying that I really am a cool person to talk to. I take a sincere interest in talking to people and learning everything I can about the world around me. I get this weird high off of it. I will never have a drug/substance dependency. Life is too invigorating to even consider it! Even on my darkest days, I still enjoy life. People suck sometimes..but Eh, I get over it.

My idea is a challenge to myself... to seize every opportunity I can to transform myself into the leading heroine of my own life story. There is so much I have to learn about the world, but before I can even begin to consider that, I have to embrace my greatness.  Yes I said it, I am Great. Everyone is! People are just too scared to admit it or too worried about societal pressures to believe it.

STOP Being So Politically Correct and Worrying About What People Think About What You Have To Say, and Enjoy Your Own Life. If you try to live up to social standards, they'll just chew you up and spit you own like you were some dying antelope being devoured by vultures in the hot Sahara sun. Beautiful image isn't it?!

14 February 2011

Oh Valentine's Day

i made this on my computer

It's so funny how big this holiday has come to be! I have always been such a fan of valentine's day especially in elementary school because it was so simple! I mean you give cards to your entire class and then you always give like an extra piece of candy to the person you were crushing on. hahaha Oh the simplicity of being a "young'n"....(as I say that without even turning 20 yet!) When did life get so complicated?
The guy who likes you calls you a slut and then gives you an ultimatum about wanting to be in a relationship? No Thank You! Or having people who you thought were friends completely screw you over on the most holy of fake holidays? Pass!  I have become really cynical these days.  It's quite sad...I used to be like Cupid's assistant on this day but can relationships/friendships really mess you up that badly? Or is my trust in people completely gone like I have feared? But the upside to the entire day is hearing from my mom! :) She gave me my favorite: godiva chocolates and the traditionally awesome card..mixed with the happy valentine's day text...she truly is the best mom in the entire world!  Can running 5 miles a day really solve anything except helping balance a sugar addiction? I've been toying with this new idea and right now, the jury is still out. So much confusion.

06 February 2011


Why can't the entire city build some force field around the ice and snow? I mean they can build a monstrous domed field to host the super bowl and no force field?! I'm just kidding, (but you would think with all the money filtering from this city that someone would have invented that by now)  I love the snow especially when classes are cancelled for four days causing a six day weekend with the hopes of yet another snow day this week! Yet, I actually enjoy going to class but this whole week has thrown off my motivation for school.  I mean we haven't even had our first exams yet...I feel like this might be a bad thing! Bring on the challenge of coming back to class from a second winter break!