25 January 2011


Being the humble person I am, I admit I am wrong in many facets of my life.

I am Wrong:

  1. In the sense that I will never get straight A's... I find them completely pointless and it's redundant to hear, over and over again, that you will never do anything if you don't get straight A's.  The smartest person I know did not even finish college and he's one of the most successful people I know.  Success is not defined by your GPA or history of schools you attended.  Success to me means taking what you know and using it to gain experience in life, whether it be a topic as vast as intelligence or something as little as a new friend.  I personally learn more from not getting straight A's because if that is my quest, I focus more on the actual letter grade than the understanding of the information behind the letter and over look certain details.  I like B's, they're "Better" and keep my feet/mind firmly on the ground.
  2. To have ever doubted myself or taken things too personally. Personal experience on my part- it used to run my life. It was too much effort and anxiety on my part and almost ruined me. I've learned life isn't worth living if you take anything people say to you personally. You are your own mind and no one person knows you better than yourself, so the motto I live by is: judge me if you want, it really doesn't make a difference either way.
  3. To have hidden my tattoo from people (I literally can hide it because it's on my ribcage), but at one point I was ashamed because of how someone reacted to it.  I'm taking great pride in the fact that I drew the original idea and the artist merely enhanced it/gave it life in the "tattoo realm". Along the same line, I was wrong to hide my capability to draw .. I never thought I could until I took a drawing class last semester and instead of hiding my drawings, I am now open to showing people and listening to constructive criticism (or praise).
  4. To ever doubt my faith or beliefs or to have ever feared death.  Death is an element that makes life beautiful and unifies every person ... We are all human and it's going to happen to everyone eventually so embrace the life you live, appreciate everything you have, and never take anything or anyone for granted.  

The first picture is just a doodle I did yesterday when I didn't feel like reading my marketing chapter and the second picture above is of my tattoo. 
Orchids to me symbolize strength, beauty, and individuality (no one flower is the same). 

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