30 January 2011


After the short lived scare of losing my phone this morning...I HAVE NOW LOST MY TV REMOTE!!

Yes I realized that I should not be as obsessed with technology as I am, but it's really obnoxious having to get up and down every time to change the channel or mess with the volume while I'm doing homework. Who ever invented the remote and HD tvs should get a Pulitzer prize.

I propose that someone creates a remote locator or better yet..Electronics Locator! You press a button on your computer and it sends a signal to that device that alerts the alarm on it to go off.  How SIMPLE life would be! And my room wouldn't be turned upside-down from looking for it... after I cleaned it for like 3 hours the other day.  Ugh, this is depressing.

Oh Well, the Celtics are beating the Lakers so far and that's all that really matters (hopefully the game will continue in this manner)!!

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