30 January 2011


After a non-consecutive 28 hours..MY MIND MAP IS DONEEE!

Because of it, my eyes won't focus properly. It's actually quite annoying. I don't like when my body doesn't correspond with how I'm feeling, which is extremely excited and relieved that I have finished a project earlier than the night before it's due!

(on a depressing note)

My heart still hurts. Is it actually possible for a heart to break? And If that were to occur, would it be able to repair itself like a paper-cut or another skin laceration? I mean it is a muscular organ, part of the human body, and if we were not meant to survive a broken heart, would we be able to continue living our day to day lives normally? Or would our body slowly start shutting down and deteriorate from the inside out?  And if the breakage is from another human being, would our immune system kick in to high gear and fight them off like an infection? Can our brains literally ERASE  what we don't want to remember? Can we forget the people who WALK OUT of our lives? I have no idea but I am going to start working on it... Maybe then, with the brain healed and immune system resting, our hearts can mend.


After the short lived scare of losing my phone this morning...I HAVE NOW LOST MY TV REMOTE!!

Yes I realized that I should not be as obsessed with technology as I am, but it's really obnoxious having to get up and down every time to change the channel or mess with the volume while I'm doing homework. Who ever invented the remote and HD tvs should get a Pulitzer prize.

I propose that someone creates a remote locator or better yet..Electronics Locator! You press a button on your computer and it sends a signal to that device that alerts the alarm on it to go off.  How SIMPLE life would be! And my room wouldn't be turned upside-down from looking for it... after I cleaned it for like 3 hours the other day.  Ugh, this is depressing.

Oh Well, the Celtics are beating the Lakers so far and that's all that really matters (hopefully the game will continue in this manner)!!

25 January 2011


Being the humble person I am, I admit I am wrong in many facets of my life.

I am Wrong:

  1. In the sense that I will never get straight A's... I find them completely pointless and it's redundant to hear, over and over again, that you will never do anything if you don't get straight A's.  The smartest person I know did not even finish college and he's one of the most successful people I know.  Success is not defined by your GPA or history of schools you attended.  Success to me means taking what you know and using it to gain experience in life, whether it be a topic as vast as intelligence or something as little as a new friend.  I personally learn more from not getting straight A's because if that is my quest, I focus more on the actual letter grade than the understanding of the information behind the letter and over look certain details.  I like B's, they're "Better" and keep my feet/mind firmly on the ground.
  2. To have ever doubted myself or taken things too personally. Personal experience on my part- it used to run my life. It was too much effort and anxiety on my part and almost ruined me. I've learned life isn't worth living if you take anything people say to you personally. You are your own mind and no one person knows you better than yourself, so the motto I live by is: judge me if you want, it really doesn't make a difference either way.
  3. To have hidden my tattoo from people (I literally can hide it because it's on my ribcage), but at one point I was ashamed because of how someone reacted to it.  I'm taking great pride in the fact that I drew the original idea and the artist merely enhanced it/gave it life in the "tattoo realm". Along the same line, I was wrong to hide my capability to draw .. I never thought I could until I took a drawing class last semester and instead of hiding my drawings, I am now open to showing people and listening to constructive criticism (or praise).
  4. To ever doubt my faith or beliefs or to have ever feared death.  Death is an element that makes life beautiful and unifies every person ... We are all human and it's going to happen to everyone eventually so embrace the life you live, appreciate everything you have, and never take anything or anyone for granted.  

The first picture is just a doodle I did yesterday when I didn't feel like reading my marketing chapter and the second picture above is of my tattoo. 
Orchids to me symbolize strength, beauty, and individuality (no one flower is the same). 

23 January 2011


"You may not be her first, her last, or her only.
She loved before she may love again.
But if she loves you now, what else matters?
She's not perfect, you aren't either,
and the two of you may never be perfect together
but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice,
admit to being human, and making mistakes,
hold onto her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thinking about you every second of the day,
 but she will give you a part of her
that she knows you can break, her heart.
So don't hurt her, don't change her, don't analyze
and don't expect more than she can give.
Smile when she makes you happy,
let her know when she makes you mad,
and miss her when she's not there." 
-Bob Marley

The simplicity of basking in the beauty and serenity of a sunset.  If only life was as simple as living in a moment of the sunset or putting thoughts and feelings into words.  It amazes me to think that these talented artists put to use their "creativity" to express themselves, change people's lives, and speak to millions.  I have known a few aspiring actors and musicians and their ability to put feelings into words or photos or songs fascinates me. I myself have only once wanted a shot at fame and fortune when I was in third grade and still thought I was going to have my princess, Cinderella wedding or one of the other elaborate Disney characters' lives.  People who take those dreams from their childhood and turn them into reality takes a true skill and belief in oneself that only a few can master and many who attempt to imitate.

I have just recently come to the realization that while it takes those few to break through the norm and live up to their dream, my dream now is to just be happy.  I want to travel, live my life, find someone who cares about me, raise a family, and be able to look back at each day knowing that I did all I could to make the best of every situation I was in.  At the end of the day, life without family wouldn't exist.  Mine is my support system regardless of what time zone we live in or how often we see them.  Life isn't worth all the worries and stresses that I myself, being a human being, have fallen into at times.  Is it possible that we are the destruction of ourselves?  If mankind can just "Let Go"of everything and "Just BE", would there be all of the turmoil and chaos in the world still today? 

20 January 2011

Who Am I, You Ask?

I'm aNew TexaFornian..
Yes that Sounds Weird..I Came Up with it..
I'm A Mutt Between CaliFORNIA, TEXAs, and NEW Mexico.

I have lived in three different states, five different cities, and moved too many times to count... 
my hometown is SAN DIEGO but for now, my literal self is in Texas/where I Call Home
(even through the unbearable summers and the ridiculous winters).

Having very recently figured out "Who I Am"..it's been a very interesting four weeks.
I'm a daughter, sister, and a loyal friend to a select few. I Live in the PRESENT, allow my PAST to be a key instrument in defining who I am, and always have a POSITIVE outlook for the FUTURE. School is life for the next two and a half years while I shift in and out of part-time jobs just to experience different settings of people and places. I am a very easy going person yet still have motivation to excel in things I put my mind to. I love to draw, paint, listen to music, read, travel, shop, and explore the world around me. I love to Clean and Be Clean...I refuse to live in dirt and clutter. 
I also live for sports:  
I wear a total of three colors. My mind is the complete opposite...I dream, think, and live in COLOR. To this day, I still only know one language (ENGLISH)..even after taking 14 years of Spanish and 2 semesters of French. I plan on LIVING ABROAD at some point in my life because I want to see the world through a different culture.

I Pay Attention To The World... how it affects me and how I affect it in return.

I have STRONG conservative roots, but I believe WE are all PEOPLE and HAVE THE FREEDOM to be WHOEVER we WANT to BE and BELIEVE in WHATEVER we WANT.
I'M MY OWN WORST CRITIC. Always have been and always will be.